Why Volunteers Remain Involved in Scouting

Boy Scouts of America volunteers play a critical role in helping to deliver Scouting programs that build character, leadership, and integrity in thousands of youth members across the country.
Every Scouting volunteer – from a Cub Scout’s first den leader to the council representative reviewing a Scout at an Eagle Scout board of review – contributes to the overall success of the Scouting program. Volunteers are mentors and teachers who dedicate their free time to building youth into the future leaders of tomorrow.
Gina V. Prendergast, district membership chairperson for the Voyageur Trace District and the committee chairperson for Troop 19 in La Grange, is an excellent example of such a volunteer. Gina started volunteering in the program when her son, Joseph, was a Cub Scout.
“In my volunteering at the district and council level, I have worked with other volunteers that have up to 40 years of dedication to Scouting, well beyond the time of their own sons but valued the program so much and realized that their time and wisdom are appreciated,” Prendergast shared with the Chicago Tribune.
One of the main reasons why Prendergast says she remains involved in Scouting is because the program teaches young men essential life skills.
“I think that people would be surprised at the commitment level that the boys have to Scouting in the midst of so many other distractions and opportunities,” she says. “Boy Scouts meet once a week to not only have fun but to perform exercises of character building, leadership and friendship whether it’s building a large sled for the Klondike Derby, planning and shopping for camp out meals or demonstrating how to put up a tent or tie knots to a pack of Cub Scouts.”
But the Scouts’ commitment to the program doesn’t stop there – Boy Scouts also become volunteers and give back to their communities.
“Boy Scouts help their community with activities such as park clean-up days, flag ceremonies at Village Board meetings, supporting their chartered organizations, which range from churches to American Legions, with service projects or supporting fundraising,” explained Prendergast.
To get the full story on why volunteers in this community are engaged with Scouting, visit the Chicago Tribune.
The post Why Volunteers Remain Involved in Scouting appeared first on Scouting Newsroom.