We’ve Started the New Year with a BANG – Family Friends of Scouting (FOS) 2019
With 2018 behind us, we have started ramping up our FOS Campaign!
Fourteen (14) units have completed their presentations and have currently raised $18,234 or 16% to our district goal. We have another six units this month that will give their FOS presentations!
Congratulations to the following units on a great start to the 2019 FFOS Campaign.
- Pack 477 – 117% to goal
- Troop 570 – 95% to goal
Can You Raise The Thermometer Higher!
Here are five (5) things to do for a successful campaign.
- Submit your FOS Presentation Dates – We are still looking for dates from a few of our units. Please provide the information using the Fast Submission Form.
- Double-Check your presentation date by paging down. A warm-up letter will be sent to all parents of registered youth and to any previous donor two weeks prior to the schedule FOS presentation date from the council office.
- If you are presenting – check out this great training on videos from Stevie Ray below.
- Turn in your FOS Packet within 1 week of your presentation. Check for Matching Gifts as a FREE way to help meet your FOS goal.
- Follow-up with unit parents and friends 2-4 weeks after the presentation. Check out our Phone Follow-up Tip Sheet and a Follow Up Letter example for ideas.
Presentation Videos
Make Your Unit Goal by May 15, 2019!
Remember, if your unit achieves its FOS goal by May 15th, Packs will receive free Pinewood Derby cars (based on membership at the end of May) and Troops will receive free cloth rank advancement and merit badges for the next year!
to us. Be sure to check out the Lake Minnetonka District Friends of Scouting webpage for more information, tips and tools for your FOS campaign.
Yours in Scouting,
Sally Jensen
Family Friends of Scouting Co-Chairman
[email protected]