Unit Commissioners Meeting – Jan 5, 2017

Unit Commissioners Meeting

I hope that all of you enjoyed the holidays. As we begin the new year, I wanted to share some important information with you regarding the Commissioner team. Greg Linden, who has served as the District Commissioner for Lake Minnetonka, has made the decision to step down from his role. I wanted to thank Greg for his service to the District and the work he has done as District Commissioner.

This Thursday, at the regular commissioner meeting at 6:00PM, David Cousins, the Asst Council Commissioner for the western districts, will be joining us to discuss the transition plans. Please see his note below.

Additionally, we’ll be touching on a couple of key topics, including Webelos transition, upcoming programs, and monthly commissioner assignments.

Thank you for your service and I look forward to seeing you on Thursday evening!

What To Expect January Roundtable

Yours in Scouting,

Nick Pedersen
District Chairman
[email protected]


(Note from David Cousins) 

I look forward to meeting you at the upcoming district commissioner team meeting on Thursday at 6:00pm at the Minnetonka Community Center. We will make sure we have time to cover both your current activities and issues, and to discuss transition plans following Greg’s departure. If there are issues ahead of that meeting, I can be reached at [email protected]

David Cousins
Asst Council Commissioner – west

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