Time Extensions for Eagle Scout, Summit and Quartermaster Awards Due to COVID-19

Normally granted only in rare circumstances, the BSA and its local councils will allow extensions for Life Scouts needing more time to finish their Eagle Scout requirements. The authority for councils to grant this extension is effective immediately and continues through Sept. 30, 2020. Extensions are also available for Venturers needing to finish Summit Award requirements and Sea Scouts needing to finish Quartermaster Award requirements beyond their 21st birthday.

These extensions are reviewed case by case, and not all Scouts will qualify. To request a COVID-19 Time Extension, a Scout must submit a written request outlining the circumstances and explaining their need for an extension and the Scoutmaster, Crew Advisor or Skipper must also submit a letter of Support for the request to the Council Training and Advancement Director Dave Arola [email protected] by September 30, 2020.

In addition, the Scout must meet the requirements at the following link:

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