Posts Tagged ‘Scouting-Wire’

American Legion: Proud Partners of Scouting for Almost 100 Years

“Veterans. Defense. Youth. Americanism. Communities.” That’s what you see when you visit the American Legion website. This description closely aligns with Scouting. And that’s only where our similarities begin. In addition to being the nation’s largest veteran’s service organization, the American Legion also has been an active supporter of Scouting since the American Legion was…

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MacGyver It, Scout Style! Your Scout Could Win Big!

Sponsored post courtesy of CBS Duct tape, gum wrappers and paper clips. Their silver hue may be the only obvious thing these objects have in common, but in the hands of a particularly skilled person, those everyday objects could transform into an extraordinary hack that can do extraordinary things. We know this as “MacGyvering”- skill…

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Spice Up Breakfast: How to Cook Pumpkin Spice Pancakes Using This Inventive #HandbookHack

Pumpkin-spice fanatics, rejoice! #PSL season is upon us and it’s here sooner and in more unique ways than ever before. But you know what? The holiday coffee craze is so mainstream and unoriginal nowadays that we’ve decided to take the feel-good taste from the traditional fall drink and spice up breakfast using a Scouting hack you can hone…

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New Scouts Travel North For Trip of a Lifetime

Story by Christine Rasure, Director of Marketing and Communications at the Greater St. Louis Area Council Scouting gives youth the freedom to explore a world of experiences beyond the boundaries of their everyday life. For a handful of Boy Scouts in the Greater St. Louis Area Council, that couldn’t be more true. This week, four young men…

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Youth Protection Tips and Resources You Need to Know

The Youth Protection team is pleased to be joining Scouting Wire. With the broad reach of BSA’s ScoutingWire, and the frequency of its communications, it will be the appropriate way to release information covering youth protection activities to a wide population. So look forward to the release of various timely articles on youth protection actions,…

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Lion Families, Meet Scoutbook!

If your council is ramping up for BSA’s newest pilot program, we’ve got some exciting news for you – Scoutbook has added the Lion pilot program function to its roster of web tools! Scoutbook, the unit management web application for the Boy Scouts of America, has added the new Lion feature just in time for…

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Eagle Scouts Should Apply Before Deadline for NESA Scholarships

Know any Eagle Scouts who could use scholarships to help support some higher education? Good news! The National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) Scholarship application process is now open. NESA has shared an overview with more details on its website. The application process for Eagle Scouts to access hundreds of thousands of dollars in scholarship money opened on August 1, 2016, but…

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BSA Cleans House Names New Chief Technology Officer

Vijay Challa has been named Chief Technology Officer for the Boy Scouts of America, effective July 18, 2016. Vijay is a dynamic and innovative leader with over 15 years of hands-on experience in designing and delivering cutting-edge IT solutions for companies like Sabre, IBM, and Fidelity Investments. He has been credited with building API gateways,…

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