Scout’s Battle With Cancer Doesn’t Stop Him From Earning Eagle
The completion of any journey toward Eagle is commendable, but when a young man overcomes additional challenges to become an Eagle Scout, it transcends even the extraordinary and becomes truly inspiring. Such is the case for Scout Jack S., who managed to finish his Eagle Scout project and Eagle journey while battling cancer.
As those who have achieved it will attest, earning the rank of Eagle Scout is no easy feat. It requires a heavy commitment of time and energy, and it’s something that a lot of young men in the Scouting program must work very hard to achieve before their 18th birthday.

Jack, a Scout in the Boy Scouts of America Orange County Council, knew that he wanted to achieve something special, and he refused to allow cancer to block him from his goal. When he was diagnosed with cancer, he started treatment immediately, but he didn’t let cancer or any of the difficult treatments keep him from completing his Eagle Scout project.
“I feel really accomplished, just getting the Eagle Scout award and how much it means and how much it’s going to help me through my life,” Jack told those gathered at his Eagle Court of Honor. “I’m really thankful for everyone who came and all the support I’ve received for what I’m going through.”
Though his cancer treatment stalled his ability to finish high school, A Scout is Cheerful, and Jack has remained positive.
“‘Nothing happens to you, it happens for you.’ That’s a quote that one of my really good friends told me, and I’ve just been living by that,” Jack said.
Even though he is battling cancer, this remarkable young man’s positive attitude and commitment to Scouting serve as a powerful inspiration to anyone – especially those other Scouts traveling along their own individual paths toward Eagle.
To read more about this inspirational young man, be sure to read the full article in the San Clemente Times.
The post Scout’s Battle With Cancer Doesn’t Stop Him From Earning Eagle appeared first on Scouting Newsroom.
Scout’s Battle With Cancer Doesn’t Stop Him From Earning Eagle