Scoutbook introduces a faster way to track your Scout’s progress

Recording service hours and camping nights just got easier. The Scoutbook team has introduced Activity Logs.
Scoutbook, the Boy Scouts of America’s online tool for tracking Scouting advancement, is continuously improving, adding more features to help you save time, stay connected and enhance your Scouting experience.
With this update, unit leaders can easily add multiple registered youth and adults in the same activity entry. Parents and their youth will also be able to make updates through the Scouting app or Internet Advancement, whichever works best for them. All recorded service hours will automatically count toward Journey To Excellence, too.
Personal activities can still be privately recorded and, similar to advancements, be submitted to unit leaders for review and approval.
Watch how this feature works here:
Aspects that are going away include the Good Turn For America service hours website. Councils can still use the Good Turn for America tools for entering Eagle Scout service project hours and Exploring service hours.
Previously recorded logs on service, camping and activities have been migrated to the new logs; Scoutbook users will be redirected to Internet Advancement to access them.
For more on the new activity logs and how to record activities, click here.