Registration is LIVE – Loop-a-Looza for Cub Scouts – Lion through Webelos – Jan 2nd!
Cub Parents and Den Leaders! Save the date for Jan 2nd for Loop-a-Looza Virtually!! We will have 2 loops each from Lions-Bears and Webelos and AOLs there will be four pins offered that day!
Registration is LiveDepending on the rank there will be loops at 10, 12, 2 & 4. Scouts don’t have to be there all day they can sign up for a loop that is offered at the different times.
Loops Planned
- Lion: Lion’s Honor
- Lion: Knock it Down
- Tiger: Stories n Shapes
- Tiger: Tiger Bites or Safe Smart
- Wolf: Cubs who Care
- Wolf: Paws on Path
- Bear: Foensics
- Bear: Fur, Feathers & Fun
- AOL/Webelos: Looking Forward Looking Back
- AOL/Webelos: Art Explosion
- AOL: Scouting Adventure
- AOL: Building a Better World
More Details will be posted soon!!