Register Today for the National Order of the Arrow Conference (NOAC)

Dear Arrowman,
We’re writing to share more information with you regarding the National Order of the Arrow Conference, or NOAC, for short! NOAC is a week-long gathering of members of the Order of the Arrow, typically held every other year in early August on a college campus.

In 2020, NOAC will be held August 3-8 at Michigan State University. More than 8,000 Arrowmen from all 50 states attend NOAC, making it the largest Scouting event in 2020. NOAC consists of both training and fellowship and is the pinnacle event in the Order of the Arrow!

Totanhan Nakaha NOAC Registration

In light of the recent Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing announced by the Boy Scouts of America, we want to assure you that NOAC remains unaffected. We continue to partner with the BSA’s national leadership through this process to ensure that the conference goes on as planned. We are grateful for their commitment to work closely together with the Order to ensure that our programs continue.

Most Arrowmen attend NOAC as a delegate, which is a participant attending with their lodge. As a delegate, NOAC offers many activities and programs, including training, shows, recreation, and more! For a full list of activities offered, please visit! You can also follow @oanoac on Twitter, Snapchat, and Instagram or like “NOAC” on Facebook for the latest updates.

Registration as a delegate is handled through your local lodge. Contact your local lodge leadership for more information! Many lodge contingents plan activities for the days prior to and after the conference, so the cost varies. If you need help connecting with your lodge leadership, you can email us for assistance.

If you’re looking for a different way to enjoy NOAC, consider joining staff! For more information about the staff experience, you can read this recent blog article. If you’re ready to register, you can do so at!

Lastly, if you can’t make it to Michigan State in August, you can still enjoy the NOAC experience from home! As a NOAC 2020 Remote Delegate, you will be able to enjoy everything that an on-site delegate would get to enjoy, plus more! For more information, you can read this recent blog article.

If you have any further questions about NOAC, don’t hesitate to email either of us at [email protected] or [email protected]!

If you’ve already registered for NOAC, we’ll see you there! If not, what are you waiting for?

If you can’t make it to NOAC, consider another OA summer opportunity: OA High Adventure. Many spots are still available at Philmont, Northern Tier, Sea Base, and The Summit throughout the summer and at a greatly reduced cost compared to other ways of attending. To learn more about these unique programs visit here.

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