Recruiting Pack Leaders – Turning Parents into Helpers, and Helpers into Leaders

Tune into a series of articles on Recruiting and Retaining Unit leaders over the next 3 months

Packs Need Adult Leaders – Most Need More. Yes, a fully functioning Cub Scout Pack must have the following: (1) a Cubmaster, (2) Den Leaders for each den (of 6 to 8 Scouts in the same grade), (3) a Chartered Organization Representative, (4) a Committee Chair, (5) several Committee Members performing key support functions, and, ideally, (6) Assistants for Cubmasters and Den Leaders.

  • Many Packs don’t have all those roles filled with engaged active leaders.
  • Or some Packs have enough now, but if there is a big influx of new Scouts, a Pack that used to have 45 Scouts with 6 Den Leaders and now has 90 Scouts may need 6 more Den Leaders and more help overall.
  • Every Pack and Den needs help doing parts of the leader jobs and the support of Den and Pack operations and activities.


Do You Want – Or Do You Need – More Parent Involvement?  There is no single “magic wand” to wave that will solve the struggle to turn Parents into Helpers and Leaders.  If you get a lot of youth to sign up you need even more adults to deliver the program.  While you may not have a single “magic wand”, you have a lot of arrows in your quiver.

  • Most Packs benefit from constant leader recruitment effort. All Pack leaders and helpers benefit if you keep your eyes open for how parents might help.
    • Planning your Calendar of Fun Activities?  Keep an eye on who shows interest and shares ideas to add to the calendar.
      • Sharing that Pack Activities Plan?  Engage those who show interest in events.
  • The good news:  most parents are “willing to help”, but they worry about taking on too big a job and not having enough help from others.
    • Current leaders should find ways to help turn Parents into Helpers.
    • As parents get engaged, find ways to turn those Parent Helpers into Leaders.
    • Showing that most of the parents in a Den are willing to help can free one of the team of helpers to be willing to lead those helpers.
    • Having “co-leaders” is a good approach too (just be sure someone steps up to coordinate everyone).
      • An optimal “co-leader” approach is to have the team include someone from each family.  (It takes a village, right?)
      • Then they may decide who will take the lead on each Adventure (meeting) or other activity.
      • Or what team of “co-leaders” will take the lead.

Celebrate your helpers as “Heroes” – because they are!

  • When you recognize and applaud your helpers, their kids will be so proud.
  • That will help parents turn from helpers into Leaders!
  • When you’re doing a Program of Family-Led Activities, recognize every parent who is “getting it done” for their Scouts – do it live by Zoom, emails, Pack newsletters and eBlasts.
50 Ways to Lure a Leader | Word DocumentDownload
Den Leader Recruiting ScriptsDownload
Fifty Ways to Lure a Leader | PPT PresentationDownload
Motivating Parents | PPT PresentationDownload
Yardstick Timeline Pack Family Recruiting ScriptDownload
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