Search results for: what to expect

Cyberbullying: What parents and Scout leaders need to know

While traditional/physical bullying ends when a child enters the safe harbor of home, cyberbullying has no such geographical limits. It can — and does — occur 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. And occur it does. How frequently? Research on cyberbullying is imperfect, because it is most certainly underreported. But the latest estimates say that 7…

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2017 preview: Paul R. Christen High Adventure Base at Summit Bechtel Reserve

It’s the third-annual High-Adventure Week here on Bryan on Scouting. It’s time to celebrate the once-in-a-lifetime experiences offered at the BSA’s four national high-adventure bases — and give you tips on how to secure your spot in 2017, 2018 and beyond. By now you’ve heard the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia is hosting the 2017 National Jamboree. Lesser…

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Step by step: How to be a merit badge counselor

The merit badge counselor is one of the coolest jobs in Scouting. These volunteers introduce Scouts to a topic about which they are passionate and knowledgable. At the very least, a merit badge counselor helps a young man earn a merit badge for his sash and get one step closer to the next rank. At the most, a merit badge counselor introduces…

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What the Scouting movement has in common with Netflix

Our Scouts might not believe it, but it’s true. I was there. There was actually a time in the not-too-distant past where renting a movie meant putting on shoes, getting in your car and driving to a place called Blockbuster Video. That is, until Netflix came along. Experts consider Netflix a recent example of disruptive innovation. That’s their…

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The October Roundtable: Training Palooza!

– IMPORTANT TRAINING – Thursday October 6, 2016 7:00 – 8:30PM Minnetonka Community Center 14600 Minnetonka Boulevard Minnetonka, MN 55345 map Adult Leaders: Man, we have cooked up an amazing roundtable for October 6th! A team of outstanding District leaders have put together eight training classes for you. Recall that Journey to Excellence (JTE) Guidepost…

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Here are the Eagle Scouts playing in the NFL in 2016

Eagle Scouts become CEOs, scientists and soldiers. They also become Broncos, Ravens, Dolphins, Redskins, Chiefs, Texans and Chargers. A search of the NFL’s 2016 active rosters — nearly 1,700 players in all — turns up a number of Eagle Scouts. These guys are living proof that great things start in Scouting. Compiling this list, like winning a…

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