March Roundtable – WHAT TO EXPECT – March 1, 2018 – 7:00PM
What to expect at this month’s Roundtable Meeting
The monthly District Roundtable meeting provides an information and training forum for adults involved as leaders in the Scouting program. Parents and children are welcome to attend. These meetings allow attendees from all parts of the Scouting program to:
◾ Discuss topics of interest, both formally and informally
◾ Learn new skills and program topics for your unit
◾ Learn about upcoming District and Council events
◾ Meet and exchange ideas with other leaders from the District
Roundtable is open to all adults involved with the Scouting program. Registered leaders are especially encouraged to attend.
LOCATION: Wayzata Community Church, 125 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata, MN, 55391 map
Roundtable Early Check-in
Rather than completing the sign-in form when you arrive at roundtable, save the time and instead check-in now online.
Each Scout unit should send at least one representative to each roundtable meeting.
- Roundtable handouts are posted after each roundtable meeting. Roundtable handouts
Joint – Big Rock Topic – TBA
Boy Scout Breakout Program – Grey Wolf Presentation
Be ready to submit your Grey Wolf nominations this April and prepared for their return.
- How do I select a scout to send to Grey Wolf NYLT, and
- I sent a scout to Grey Wolf NYLT, what now?
These questions and questions you have about Grey Wolf will be answered at the March Boy Scout breakout.
Cub Scout Breakout Program
- How to make Den Meetings Fun! – Rachel Thiemann, Bear Den leader from Pack 477, will be presenting her ideas on how to make your den meetings fun! She will also describe and demonstrate ‘hands on activities’ and crafts that you can use. The Cub Scouts can later take what they have learned at their den meetings and ‘show and tell’ about it at their pack meetings. Rachel has been a den leader at all levels of the program so she has a great knowledge and insight into the planning and execution of den meetings.
- How to implement and use Scoutbook – Come and learn about Scoutbook and how it can be a critical part to your unit planning and advancement program. If you have never used it, or you are still thinking about it, or you need a few tips on how to utilize it better, come to roundtable and learn the ins and outs of Scoutbook and bring your questions with you.
- Girls in Scouting – There will also be a monthly update on Girls in Scouting under the Cub Scouts Family Program.
Cub Scouters and Parents:
We are trying something new, a newsletter just for the Cub Scout roundtable. The newsletter provides and overview of the upcoming program, including events and information just for adult leaders and parents.
Let us know what you think of the new Cub Scout Roundtable Newsletter by using using the link below.
Leave Your CommentI look forward to seeing you at roundable.
Thank you.
Vicki Jurek
Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner
[email protected]
Joint – Roundtable Closing and Vespers
OA Chapter Meeting
The Order of the Arrow is a “Brotherhood of Scout Honor Campers”, often referred to as the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service. We are a group of people who have been elected by our peers as being capable of upholding the honor through our continued actions of cheerful service to others. It is a youth-run organization, meaning that all important decisions are made by the youth (age 20 or less) under advisement of the adult Advisors.
Meetings of the Lake Minnetonka Chapter of the Totanhan Nakaha Lodge, Order of the Arrow, are held in conjunction with the district roundtables on the first Thursday of each month.
7:00 – 8:30 – OA Chapter Meeting During Roundtable
Chapter officers should attend, and all troops should send their OA Troop Representative (a youth leadership position) or another OA member to represent their unit, but all OA members are invited to attend these meetings. We are planning for a big year and need lots of help.
6:00 – 6:45 – Prior to Roundtable – Commissioners Meeting
Commissioners Meeting (for the Commissioners AND District members)
Rollout and discussion of 2018 JTE2.0 and Guideposts.