Inspiring Scout Overcomes Challenges to Earn Eagle
Zach, a Scout from the Seneca Waterways Council of the Boy Scouts of America who was born with Down syndrome, has overcome a number of challenges in his life and has just earned the rank of Eagle Scout.

While very few Scouts can overcome all of the challenges involved in earning Eagle Scout, Zach met each new obstacle with fresh enthusiasm. His work and perseverance is an inspiration to anyone seeking to attain a goal, but, in particular, Scouts working toward the rank of Eagle can find hope and inspiration in Zach’s quest.
“Ever since Cub Scouts, it was a natural progression,” said Zach’s mother Kelly. “He never wanted to quit.”
Zach worked his way methodically through all of the requirements.
“There were none he skipped, and there was nothing we ever said ahead of time, ‘He’s not going to do this,’ ” his dad said. “He did it just like everyone else.”
His Eagle Scout project was the installation of raised flower beds at his local library. It’s a project that the people of his community will be able to enjoy for many years to come.
“We never ever underestimated Zach, not for a minute,” said Scoutmaster Emeritus John Toepper. “There was no doubt in our minds he would get his Eagle. His persistence is huge, and every kid and adult leader sees him as, No. 1, a great kid.”
Zach earning Eagle was a natural extension of the fun he had throughout his Scouting career. When asked what his favorite part of Scouting is, Zach offered a great response.
“Everything,” he said. “Friends, camping, biking, fishing, Camp Barton. I love everything.”
To read more about this remarkable Scout overcoming challenges to earn Eagle Scout and inspire his community, read the full article in the Democrat & Chronicle.
To learn more about the positive impact that Scouting can have on young people like Zach, be sure to check out this article on the recent Tufts study, and watch this video: