Get ready for Webelos Transition!
Are you ready for Webelos Transition? Webelos to Scout transition is everyone’s responsibility — Den Leaders, Cubmasters, Scoutmasters, Parents, Commissioners and the District Committee. All must work together to ensure that Webelos and their parents know all the great fun and adventure in store for them when they become Scouts BSA. Webelos is not the end of Cub Scouts – the transition from Webelos to Scouts BSA is a normal and expected part of the program.
As your Arrow of Light Den(s) finish their time in the Pack, be sure to complete the Webelos Transition Roster and send to the email to with this information to our District Executive Jim Bollback [email protected]
2020 Webelos Transition RosterBest Practices Webelos Transition:
At the night of your crossover/Arrow of Light (or Blue and Gold) meet with the Arrow of Light den before the meeting and obtain parent signatures on the Webelos Transition Form. Items to remember!
- If the Webelos Transition Roster is completed, no new application is needed for your Scout
- Packs should work to obtain the parent signature
- The Troop Leader receiving the Scouts should sign the form and send the form in
- If your Cub Scouts are going to multiple Troops, you can always send in the form without the Troop Leader signature (and we’ll work with Troop Leader for approval)
- You can always send in multiple forms! If you don’t have all parent signatures, send in what you have immediately so the form does not get lost!
Common Questions with Webelos Transitions and Ways to Address them

Youth are tired of the Cub Scout program after five years. They do not have an understanding of the Boy Scout program and we need to ensure that they do.
- Invite the Arrow of Light den to attend at least one troop meeting and one campout during their 5th grade year.
- Have the Arrow of Light dens, between their 4th grade and 5th grade year, take a field trip to camp for one day during summer camp to visit a local troop. Have someone from the troop give them a tour of camp.
- Conduct Talks within the Arrow of Light and Webelos dens telling them about the fun and exciting things they get to do within the troop. Share the annual troop program plan of outdoor adventure including monthly campouts, canoe trips, backpacking trips, etc.
- Assign a Den Chief from a troop to each Webelos/Arrow of Light den. The Den Chief ideally would serve as the Troop Guide once this group moves up into the troop.
- Have monthly ―connecting activities between the pack and troop.
Arrow of Light Leaders don’t know anything about the Boy Scout program and are not encouraging their Scouts to move on. They see it as an end to their volunteer involvement in Scouting. We need to change that misconception.
- Talk to the Leader(s) early about the Scouts BSA program. Invite them to be an Assistant Scoutmaster within the troop for the New Scout Patrol.
- Encourage the Leader(s) go through Scoutmaster Leader Specific Training and Outdoor Leader Skills while still in Cub Scouting.
- Invite the Leader(s) and den to participate in troop campouts.
- Have leaders within the troop help the Arrow of Light and Webelos leader teach the activity pins.
- Teach our parents and leaders that Scouting is a continuous program from Cub Scouts through Scouts BSA that will yield greatest benefit for youth if parents and youth persevere.
More activities competing for time. It is true, but we need to show them why Scouting is worth the stress and how the time can be managed.
- We do not compete with other youth programs. Our program serves all Youth, starting in Kindergarten through Age 20. Our youth should participate in soccer, baseball, basketball, swimming, Girl Scouts, 4-H, church youth groups, and similar activities as those activities support our mission of teaching youth to become participating citizens with respect for others and the environment.
- Build it and they will come. A well-planned program filled with outdoor adventure will attract youth. Communicate your troop’s annual program plan to the Webelos and their parents. Invite them to participate in activities. If they see the fun and adventure firsthand, they will pick our program over another.
- Talk to the parents about the Values of Scouting. Scouting teaches leadership, problem solving, communication, ethical decision-making, and more. Share the Harris Study ―The Values of Men and Boys in America” to show Scouting’s importance over sports and other youth activities.
- Be flexible in attendance requirements. Encourage youth to participate in other programs and know they are always welcome to attend when their other program is done for the year. Offer a ―Saturday‖ van to troop campouts for those who have Friday night commitments.
Scouting is not seen as cool among their friends.
- Camping, canoeing, rock climbing, rappelling, backpacking, swimming, and sports are cool. Communicate your well-planned annual program plan to the Webelos and their parents. Sell the program!
- Use peer to peer recruiting. If their friends are in the program and they know it, they are more likely to join
- They are not asked — Many times a Arrow of Light and his/her parents are simply not asked to join a troop. Studies show that young people need to be asked six times to join before feeling invited.
- Have last year’s crossovers personally call every member from this years Arrow of Light den to invite them to join the troop. They will still know many of these boys and girls.
- Ensure that the parents also know that they are welcome and that the current group of uniformed leaders is not exclusive but counts on their participation and support.