Eagle Project Finds Unique Solution for Tangled Fishing Line
If you’ve been fishing at enough public spots like piers at local lakes, you’ve probably come across an unsightly problem that makes the whole fishing experience less enjoyable. Many fishing spots are plagued by discarded, tangled fishing line just left as trash twisted around the boards of a pier, woven in and out of the foliage that lines the banks of the lake, or submerged in the lake itself, waiting to cause problems for wildlife.

Scout Jason J. of the Boy Scouts of America Three Fires Council noticed this fishing line problem at some of the local fishing spots in his community, and he decided to do something about it.
He knew that it might make a good Eagle Scout project to help solve the fishing line problem, so he started the research to see what options he might have that would make a good solution.
Eventually, he came upon a solid idea that involved the use of PVC containers, and he presented his proposal to the local parks districts to see if they’d bite.
“It seemed like a fun project that I would enjoy doing, along with it benefiting the community,” Jason said.
The parks districts loved his fishing line idea and approved him to move forward.
To address the fishing line problem, Jason installed his PVC tubes at several local fishing spots at parks in his community. The tubes are designed specifically as receptacles for the tangled line. Visitors are invited to clean up the line and dispose of it in the tube. Once the tubes are full, the line is collected and recycled.
Each PVC tube also features a cap to help prevent local birds from mistaking the tubes as a nesting spot.
Parks district officials have indicated that it makes for a more enjoyable fishing experience to be free from the tangled fishing line, and it also helps keep the line from creating a dangerous environment for the local wildlife.
To learn more about Jason’s project, be sure to read the full story on the Bloomingdale Park District blog.
To learn more about the positive impact that Scouting can have on young people like Jason, be sure to check out this article on the recent Tufts study, and watch this video:
The post Eagle Project Finds Unique Solution for Tangled Fishing Line appeared first on Scouting Newsroom.