District Committee Meeting – October 13, 2016

District Committee Members:

Lake Minnetonka District Committee Meeting
Ridgedale Public Library, Room #172
12601 Ridgedale Dr, Minnetonka, MN 55305
Thursday , October 13, 2016 – 7:00PM
Teleconference: 1 (805)309-2350, Conference ID: 091-212

This is a reminder that our committee meeting will be held Thursday, October 13th beginning at  7:00pm.  We will wrap up by 8:35pm.

Face to face communication is more conducive to teamwork, a consistent Boy-Scoutsmessage, and getting things accomplished than teleconferencing. However, If you are unable to attend in person, the meeting can be accessed via your telephone, Dial-in Telephone Number: +1 (805) 309-2350, Conference ID: 091-212, Bridge Name: District Committee Meeting.


I look forward to seeing you in attendance.

Thank you for making Lake Minnetonka District a success!

Nick Pedersen
District Chairman

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