District Committee Meeting – District’s Annual Meeting and Elections Reminder – Apr 13, 2017

March 30, 2017

District Members-at-Large, Council Members-at-Large, Unit Commissioners, and Chartered Organization Representatives of the Lake Minnetonka District:


On April 13th, the Lake Minnetonka District of the Northern Star Council will host the District’s Annual Meeting and Elections, consisting of elections for the 2017-2018 program year. As an existing District Committee Member-at-Large, Charter Organization Representative, or Council Member-at-Large residing within the Lake Minnetonka District boundaries, you are eligible to vote on the proposed slate of District officers.

There will be a series of two votes; one will call for the approval of District Member-at-Large nominees, the other, nominees for the position of District Chair. In order to follow the election procedures of the Boy Scouts of America, no nominations will be taken from the floor during the meeting. Nominations can however be submitted in writing to the Nominating Committee of the District prior to the Annual Meeting.
The Annual Meeting will take place at the Ridgedale Public Library, and it will begin at 7:00 PM on the 13th of April.

Written nominations can be submitted to Mike Aase, Nominating Committee Chair .

We will wrap up prior to 9:00pm.

If you have any questions or concerns about this email or its contents, please do not hesitate to use this link to contact us .

Thank you.

Nick Pedersen
District Chairman
Lake Minnetonka District BSA

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