Cub Scout Recruitment Materials — Handouts, Social Media tools, Fishing Pole Unboxing, and more!
Northern Star Council has created several great images and videos that you can use to promote your Facebook, NextDoor, Twitter, or on your website!
Request free Bookmarks, Table Toppers, Posters, and Yard Signs
Request Recruitment Materials
Social Media Kit – Images created or Facebook, Twitter, and Next Door!
Cub Scout Promotion Video (35 sec)
Fishing Poles!
Check out these great videos from Northern Star Scouting featuring Eagle Scout Niko as he helps you promote fishing!
Cub Scout Fishing Promo with Niko (short – 28sec)
Fishing Pole Unboxing Video (2 mins, 41 sec) Do your Scout love unboxing videos? Build some excitement with the fishing pole unboxing.
New to Fishing? Need help in How-To setup the fishing poles for the Scouts? Watch Niko show how to set-up the fishing poles! (3 mins 37 secs)