Stuff To Do
We need you! Northern Star Scouting is looking for energetic volunteers to help represent the Scouting program at Northern Star Scouting’s booth during the Minnesota State Fair. There are still details to be released from the Minnesota State Fair regarding this year’s event, but we are starting our call for volunteers early. To indicate your interest in…
Read MoreDistrict Troop Leaders Virtual Gathering – May 21st
Troop Leaders — are you looking to learn from each other? Share ideas and resources and learn from the other Troops in our District? Join us for a Virtual Troop Leader Gathering on May 21st at 7:00pm. Email Jim Bollback, District Executive, for information on the Zoom meeting and passwords. what was your best…
Read MoreExplore U.S. National Parks using Google Arts & Culture
The Hidden Worlds of the National Parks is a new Google Arts & Culture exhibit and interactive documentary, timed to launch in celebration of this month’s NPS Centennial. The exhibit allows you to take 360-degree tours of some of the most remote and beautiful U.S. National Parks. Instead of featuring much-documented vistas like Yosemite or the Grand…
Read MoreTake the 30 Day Cub Scout Challenge! Keep your Cub Scout skills sharp while at home.
As our communities are practicing caution and social distancing during this time, the Hawkeye Area Council’s new Program Director, Sam Mensinger has developed a 30 day challenge for each Cub Scout rank. Use this time at home to keep your scout’s skills sharp!
Read MoreJamboree on the Internet (JOTI) coming April 3 – 5
Scouting from home with JOTI-Special Edition this 3-5 april 2020! Part of Scouting’s great success over the past 113 years has been its enduring ability to adapt and respond to the changing needs of communities at every level. Young people in many countries today face challenges at home and in their local communities due…
Read MoreBoy Scout patch history – Teens era Combined Ranks
The Scout Patch Auction (TSPA) interviews veteran Boy Scout memorabilia collectors where they discuss specific aspects and history of the hobby and the Scouting movement. We call these Master Class Expert Series. In this one, Michael Feigenbaum, who was a graphic artist for the Boy Scouts of America, discusses the history of the first BSA…
Read MorePinewood Derby Fest 2020 – Racer Information
Pinewood Derby Fest Racer Information Racer Fees: $3 pre-registration; $5 at-the-door All Racers need to Register Online at Scouts should be in their Field Uniform to race Trophies awarded to the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place for each rank, plus the top three finishers in the Championship Race! Open to all members of…
Read MoreTRY NIGHT CLIMBING FOR FREE! – Tuesday, May 5th
TRY NIGHT CLIMBING FOR FREE! Base Camp will be opening up our outdoor climbing tower for everyone to come try out the NEW night climbing program! One side of the tower has LED light up hand holds making it possible for us to climb after dark. This will be fun for climber of all ages…
Read MoreLadies and Gentleman – Start Your (non) Engines – Pinewood Derby Fest 2020! – March 14, 2020
RIDGEDALE CENTER Saturday, March 14, 2020 10am – 5pm #pwdfest2020 Come to Pinewood Derby Fest 2020 and enjoy free events and activities for the whole family!! Check out the Climbing Wall, Archery Booth, STEM activities, activities for kids of all ages, adventure booths, and cool giveaways! A great way to spend some time…
Read MoreSave the Date – Pinewood Derby Fest 2020! – March 14, 2020
Make sure you mark your calendars for the Pinewood Derby Fest 2020 on March 14th! Has your Pack raced? Do you want to race again and see how your car stacks up against the best racers in our area? SAVE THE DATE for Pinewood Derby Fest 2020! On Saturday, March 14th, from 10am to 5pm,…
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