HAS NORTHERN STAR SCOUTING CONNECTIONS AND SPONSORSHIP AND WILL VISIT US IN DECEMBER November, 5, 2018 update to this story which appeared in May – Anish just received notice that his visa has been approved and he will be visiting our council in December of 2018 to share his story and promote international Scouting. Stay…
Read MoreHow the NYLT Leadership Academy takes your council’s NYLT course to the next level
Ready to take your council’s National Youth Leadership Training to the next level? Encourage one or more of your youth NYLT staffers to attend the NYLT Leadership Academy. To understand NYLT Leadership Academy, you must first understand NYLT. NYLT is a council-offered leadership training experience for young people. Scouts and Venturers leave NYLT as more…
Read MorePick Up Your Family Friends of Scouting Packets and Provide Your Presentation Dates
Friends of Scouting Campaign We missed you at the November roundtable and would like to get your Family Friends of Scouting Campaign (FFOS) packets out to you as soon as possible. You can collect your packet in a couple different ways: District Roundtable on December 6th- Minnetonka Community Center @ 7:00 pm Connect with Nicole DeYong: [email protected] to…
Read MoreRead what one major university said about Scouting in an acceptance letter
We’ve all heard that Scouting experience will give a young person a leg up at a college, university or trade school. But it’s always nice to see tangible proof that this is still the case. The latest example comes from Andrew, an Eagle Scout from Texas. His proud grandfather, Randy Konkel, noticed that the young…
Read MoreThis was the least-earned merit badge ever, and the reason makes total sense
One look at the requirements, and you’ll see why Invention was the least-earned merit badge in the history of the BSA. To earn it, Scouts had to “invent and patent some useful article” and “show a working drawing or model of the same.” Obtaining a patent is a time-consuming, costly endeavor. That explains why just 10 Scouts…
Read MoreIn January 2019, fly south to the Florida Sea Base for a volunteer development conference
Escape the chill of winter while acquiring the latest tools to help your Scout unit succeed. That’s the promise of a volunteer training conference at the Florida Sea Base. Pick from five weeklong conferences, each held in January 2019 at the BSA’s Florida home. During your week in the Keys, you’ll learn new things and…
Read MoreGirl Scouts sue Boy Scouts for trademark infringement
By Andrew Keshner Published: Nov 6, 2018 6:30 p.m. ET MarketWatch, Inc. (published with permission) The Girl Scouts say a Boy Scout rebranding effort is cutting into their turf, causing confusion. The Girl Scouts are suing the Boy Scouts, saying the organization’s inclusive rebranding effort has caused all sorts of consumer confusion from mistaken enrollment in…
Read MoreThis Webelos Scout has sold popcorn to people from all 50 states
This is called putting Scouting on the map. James Williamson, a Webelos Scout from Pack 800 of Aberdeen, N.C., has sold at least one bag or box of Scout popcorn to someone from each of the 50 states and Puerto Rico. That means he’s spread the good word about Scouting — and raised money for his pack…
Read MoreWebelos Transition Prep Underway
How do you make the Webelos-to-Scout transition seamless? By planning and coordinating efforts, the pack and troop can give all of the Webelos a chance to experience the fun and excitement of Boy Scouting. It’s not too early to prepare for Webelos Transition. On the district website under Membership/ Webelos Transition, we have resources designed…
Read More2018 Rechartering Continues
Thank you to all units that turned in their recharter packets at the November 1st Roundtable. We checked all submitted packets and found very few errors. THANKS, and GOOD JOB. Units can continue to turn in their completed packets to their Unit Commissioner or the District Commissioner at any time. We will also try to…
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