
New Boy Scout Rank Requirements

Boy Scout Requirements FAQs New Boy Scout Rank Requirements become effective January 1, 2016.  When a Scout must begin using the new requirements is determined by the Scout’s joining date or current rank as of January 1, 2016.  Here are the rules for 2016: Boys joining on or after January 1, 2016 MUST use the…

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Inspiring Scout Overcomes Challenges to Earn Eagle

Zach, a Scout from the Seneca Waterways Council of the Boy Scouts of America who was born with Down syndrome, has overcome a number of challenges in his life and has just earned the rank of Eagle Scout. Zach didn’t let Down syndrome or other challenges stand in his way of earning Eagle. (photos: Caurie…

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Eagle Scout Scholarship Application Available 2017

Fill out your application for the Eagle Scout Scholarship Eagle Scouts are invited to apply for one of 25 $1000 scholarships for post-secondary education. Applications are available online soon! To be considered, applications must include both online and paper components. Late submissions will not be considered. Scholarship Process Scholarships are reviewed by a committee of…

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Log on to Internet Advancement Reporting

Your connection to the council advancement records and more Reporting advancement is a requirement of the Boy Scouts of America, and entering it directly into the BSA Internet system is the easiest way to get it done. Units can use Internet Advancement to record their youth member advancement online. This method is both easy and…

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