Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) Training - Photos

Saturday, Jun 3, 2017 at Trinity Lutheran Church, Long Lake, Minnesota.

Basic Adult Leader Outdoor Orientation (BALOO) is a supplemental course aimed at enhancing the pack program by training leaders in appropriate outdoor activity knowledge and skills, as well as in important BSA rules and policies to be followed on any Cub Scout camp out. BALOO training is required in order for a pack to receive a tour permit for a pack overnighter event, so at least one leader in charge must have completed BALOO training

An Introduction to Pack Overnight Camping!

This class offers a hands-on camping experience for Cub Scout leaders eager to bring their den or pack on an overnight campout. You will learn how to make a meal or two and how to organize and run a campout that is not only safe, but also fun the Scouts as will as the parents.

The course provides you with ideas for outdoor activities, games, and ceremonies, information on selecting and using camping equipment, how to run a campfire program. In short, everything you need to know to make your pack overnighter a fun, successful and BSA approved event!


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