Annual Unit Recharter Process — Now through Oct 15th
Units should now be working on their Charter Renewal! Complete your Unit Recharter in 3 EASY STEPS!
Each Committee Chair and Unit Leader (Cubmaster/Scoutmaster/Skipper/Advisor) should be receiving a weekly email each Friday that includes 1.) a report that details all Youth and Adults who paid that week 2.) Your Unit Membership Charter Report.
Each Committee Chair or Unit Leader should have received your Annual Charter Packet in hardcopy (for Packs, this was included in your Fall Recruiting Materials). You will use these reports for your Charter Process, so if you’re not receiving them, contact our District Exec, Jim Bollback [email protected]
3 Steps to Complete you Unit Recharter Check-out the Unit Leader Walkthrough and the District M Charter FAQs for more information
1.) Complete your Online renewal with Northern Star Council
- Pack and Troops can go to:‐2020_2021MembershipFees
- Crews/Ships go to:‐2020_2021VenturingMembershipFees
- Select the option to Complete Renewal
- Continue as guest or login with a Scout Events username and password
- Enter Your Unit’s Information
- Your Annual Unit Renewal will automatically be included in your registration, with the $75 renewal fee.
- You must sign (using your mouse or a mobile device) to indicate
unit leader approval. - NEW!! Your unit may choose to pay the renewal fees for any current adults (this is optional).
o Enter details for the (current) adults you are paying for - Pay your unit fees, which may be done via credit card, check, or unit account
2.) Verify your Unit’s Renewal Information on your weekly Unit Membership Charter Report
- Ensure that your unit has at least 5 primary/paid youth
- Ensure that your unit has
- 1 Chartered Organization Representative (must be the same for ALL units under the Chartered Partner)
- 1 Committee Chair
- 1 Unit Leader (Cubmaster, Scoutmaster, Venturing Advisor, Exploring Advisor, Skipper)
- At least 2 Committee Members
- At least 1 Den Leader (Packs only)
- Verify positions listed for all adults
- Adults are required to select their position when registering
- all adults and youth 18 years of age or older on your renewal must have current Youth Protection Training and
Background Check Authorization forms.
- Print the Unit Membership Charter Report to share with your Institutional Head (IH) and Chartered Organization
Representative (CR)
3.) Signatures of Approval — Have your IH/CR complete the following:
- Review your current Unit Membership Charter Report (printed from weekly email)
- Sign the Chartered Organization Approval Form (blue form in charter packet)
- Sign the Charter Partner Agreement (gold form in charter packet)
To Complete Your Unit Renewal: Turn the following documents in to Northern Star Council by October 15th Contact Jim Bollback to pickup / turn-in your charter paperwork
- Current Unit Membership Charter Report
- Signed Chartered Organization Approval Form (blue form)
- Signed Charter Partner Agreement (gold form)
- Youth Protection Training sheet (orange form)
- Community Service Hours sheet (green form)
If you have questions, please contact your Commissioner or Jim for assistance.