107th Anniversary on February 8 – #LikeAScout: Scouting Anniversary

107th Anniversary on February 8

Help our Scout Slogan of “Do a Good Turn Daily” take on even greater significance as part of our new community-wide #LikeAScout media campaign. We have partnered with our friends at iHeartMedia and KS95 to take to the airwaves for the full day on Scouting’s Anniversary to encourage everyone to be like a Scout and “Do a Good Turn,” as well as to share some of the positive influence Scouting has on our community.

We will also ask those who do a good turn to share it via social media using the hashtag: #LikeAScout. A good turn is defined as “A small or large act of kindness for which nothing is expected in return” and our hope is to help initiate thousands of acts of kindness throughout our community!

This promotion will include voiced ads from Dave Ryan, KDWB On-Air Personality and Scout leader, as well as other iHeartMedia personalities Adam West, Muss and Paul Fletcher on KDWB, K102, Cities 97, KOOL 108 and TWIN Cities News Talk. In addition, Ryan, Morning Host of KS95 and a local Scouting alumni who helped create our Radio Merit Badge at Many Point, will also be part of the campaign.

We Need Your Help

Start thinking now of some great Good Turns you, your unit and family members could do and then share them at #LikeAScout on February 8. It’s the Scouting way to celebrate through service and this will help reinforce to our community what Scouting is all about.

Share #LikeAScout on Twitter Share #LikeAScout on Facebook

When using these buttons, be sure to include what your Good Turn was to inspire others in our community!

Digital Good Turn Coin

Many veteran Scouters will know about the “Good Turn” coin, an easy reminder to help Scouts do their good turns. Scouts would keep a coin in one pocket, and after accomplishing their good turn for the day, move it from one pocket to the other. In that spirit, we’ve created a Digital Good Turn Coin. When using the Share to Facebook button, it will include a picture of your “flipped” coin! If you’d like to have your own copy, click to download the image.

These Radio Stations Will Be #LikeAScout on February 8 by Encouraging Good Turns

KDWBDave Ryan
Cities97Paul Fletcher
KOOL 108Adam West
Twin Cities News TalkMuss
ALT 93.3Various
HOT 102.5Various

Kent York
Director of Marketing/Communications
[email protected]

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