Order of the Arrow * – Information for All Troops

Order of the Arrow * – Information for All Troops

oa-100-yearsOctober Chapter Meeting – Final Conclave Review
– The youth leadership has been preparing all summer for Conclave and this is the last meeting before the event. ALL OA youth are encouraged to attend and help make final plans for Conclave. Help is STILL needed in many areas from current youth and adult members over Conclave weekend. The next meeting is Thursday October 6th at 7PM, Minnetonka Community Center.

Chapter Conclave, October 7-9 at Camp Tanadoona in Excelsior – Please complete your registrations for Conclave. Youth Candidates and members alike should attend and participate in the annual business meeting and elections. Please plan to attend and serve.

Fall Fellowship, October 28-29 at Maplewood Community Center – Fall Fellowship at the Maplewood Community Center, you will have the opportunity to swim in the pool, compete in the gym, go to the arcade, and meet other Arrowmen from around the council!  Need a little time to relax? We’ll also be showing movies in the community rooms. Want to learn a little more about ceremonies and regalia? We will have a marquee session at midnight to broaden your knowledge.

New this year, we will be providing information sessions on the Order of the Arrow for Arrowmen of all ages and experience levels:

  • New Member Orientation: Just completed the Ordeal? Learn about the tests of the Ordeal, what it takes to become Brotherhood, and learn what the OA has to offer!
  • Brotherhood and Beyond: What does it mean to be a Brotherhood member of the Order of the Arrow? Join our session to discuss the Arrowman duty to Scouting and what’s next in your OA journey?
  • OA Basics: Learn more about the events and programs of the OA, from the lodge level all the way to national events and programs!

November Chapter Meeting – First meeting with new officers and members – ALL OA youth are encouraged to attend and help start the new Chapter year off with a bang and welcome new members and new officers. Scoutmasters, PLEASE work with your newest OA members and find your Troop Representative! They are important members of the chapter leadership and a HUGE help to your unit as well. The meeting is Thursday November 3rd at 7PM, Minnetonka Community Center.

Upcoming Meetings and Events

*The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). It uses American Indian-styled traditions and ceremonies to bestow recognition on scouts selected by their peers as best exemplifying the ideals of Scouting. We also SERVE Scouting and our Communities as part of our commitment as part of the “Brotherhood of Honored Campers”.

Brett Schneider
OA Chapter Adviser
Lake Minnetonka District
Totanhan Nakaha Lodge #16, WWW
Northern Star Council, BSA
[email protected]


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