Totanhan Nakaha Lodge: 2021 Lodge Leadership Development (LLD)


Lodge Leadership Development is an annual training hosted by the Totanhan Nakaha Lodge for current chapter, constellation, and lodge officers, as well as Order of the Arrow members aspiring to serve in a youth leadership capacity in the future.  Sessions offered during the training are taught by youth and adult subject matter experts, and cover a wide range of topics from member retention to conclave ceremony preparation.


The event will have an optional overnight component on Friday December 3rd, with check-in opening at 5:30PM (program will begin at 8PM).  Saturday program on December 4th will begin at 9AM, and conclude by 12:30PM.


The event will be held at Glen Cary Lutheran Church – 15531 Central Ave NE Ham Lake, MN 55304.


Online registration – you will need your Order of the Arrow ID number in order to register for the event (you can look-up your ID number here).  Attendees will also need to have Parts A and B of the Annual Health and Medical Record, as well as a completed Northern Star Scouting Health Screening Checklist.
Please select the course track that you plan on attending – see the table below:
All ArrowmenLodge, Constellation and Chapter OfficersAdults Advisers
Session 1Building Relationships – Forrest O.Conversion (Induction Process and Brotherhood Conversion) – Hugh D.Retaining Members – Brandon Peterson and Ben Coder
Session 2Ceremonies – Cole M.Unit Relations – Zach C.Adviser Feedback / Follow-up
  • Ceremonies
    • Learn how to make an induction ceremony go from good to great. Topics covered include: tips for ceremony site, practicing, and performance.
  • Building & Maintaining Relationships
    • Go through the 4 main parts of relationship building and maintaining: first contact, keeping in contact, overall communication, and Brotherhood in Cheerful Service. These tips aren’t only useful in the Order of the Arrow, but also in many aspects of life.
  • Conversion (induction process, brotherhood conversion)
    • Includes: tips on running more successful unit elections, ordeal conclaves, and improving brotherhood conversion.
  • Unit Relations
    • Gives an outline of what Order of the Arrow Troop Representatives are and how to incorporate them into your Chapter.
  • Retaining Members
    • Tips for retaining members starting at the home unit level all the way up to lodge activities.


Free!  This event is offered at no-cost to the participant.

Register for LLD


Attendees will be required to wear face masks while participating in indoors or in enclosed spaces throughout the course of the event.


This event is for chapter, constellation and lodge officers as well as Order of the Arrow Unit Representatives, or those interested in leadership opportunities within the Order of the Arrow.

Get trained!  Learn from the lodge’s best and brightest, while meeting Arrowmen from across the Totanhan Nakaha Lodge.

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