Accessing your Weekly Membership/Recharter Reports – How-To Guide

Last week, Unit Committee Chairs and Unit Leaders (Cubmasters, Scoutmaster, Advisors) should have received an email regarding accessing their unit’s current membership report for the 2021-2022 Scouting Year (copied below). Trusted users can log into Scouting Events at any time to view your unit’s current membership report for the 2021-2022 Scouting year.

Some unit leaders have followed up with questions on accessing their reports. To assist leaders, we’ve created the below video with a “how-to” on accessing your Unit’s Membership Report for 2021-2022.

These instructions are available in the Accessing your Weekly Membership Reports – How-To Guide or can be watched on the below video.


Login to Scouting Events


NOTE: If you are a unit leader or committee member (other than the committee chair) and do not see the Unit Account tab, your committee chair needs to grant access to the Unit Account for you in the Northern Star Scouting Online Registration (black pug). Instructions for Committee Chairs on how to grant access can be found on the Black Pug Unit Account Management YouTube Video

Weekly Membership Report​ for

Trusted users can log into Scouting Events at any time to view your unit’s current membership report for the 2021-2022 Scouting year.

The Unit Membership Charter report is a summary of all youth and adults who have used our online system to register with your unit through August 31st, 2022.​​​ If you do not have access to the Unit Membership Charter report, please contact your Committee Chair.

This report may include individuals who are pending your approval and are not yet registered in the National BSA membership database (my.Scouting/Scoutbook). 

Please complete the following steps below.

  1. Committee Chairs:Please review your Trusted Users in the Scouting Events system. Ensure that everyone who should have access to your membership report is a Trusted User with access to ‘View Unit Transaction History’. To maintain the security of personal information and protect the privacy of our members, please remove anyone who should not have access to your reports. You can find a video on managing trusted users here.
  2. Review individuals, positions, and contact information listed. Inform your District Executive if there are any changes to positions for the 2021-2022 Scouting year, or updates to contact information. The information on this report was entered online by the individual creating the registration. Youth Protection status is based upon the YPT date taken entered at the time of registration.
  3. Approve any youth or adults who do not appear on your Scoutbook roster. Approvals may be sent to [email protected]and must include the youth/adult’s name, your unit information, your name, and your position. Adult applications must be approved by the Chartered Organization Representative.

 Ensure that your unit has all required adult positions filled. Please contact your District Executive if you have any questions about what positions are required.



​Please contact your District Executive if you have any questions or would like additional information regarding the background questions on new adult leaders. District information can be found at

Thank you for your leadership in Scouting.



You are receiving this email because you are listed as the unit leader, designated membership contact, Chartered Organization Representative, or Committee Chair in the Northern Star Council Unit Toolbox System

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