2021 Pack Recruitment Guidebook Now Available!!
Cub Scouters and Membership Team members – it’s time to start thinking about RECRUITMENT!
We’ve got a GREAT BIG campaign planned called Catch the Fun! This year, EVERY CUB SCOUT will get a fishing pole! That’s right!
New AND Returning Cubs will get their own Zebco fishing pole! See the attached guide on ideas to build your Pack membership using the Catch The Fun! Promotion
Help the whole community realize Scouting is going strong! The best way to get on parents’ radar is to be visible. There are loads of ways to get your Pack ‘out there.’ Here are some proven examples:
SCHOOL OPEN HOUSES/MEET THE TEACHER EVENT • Wherever possible, Packs should have a table at these events. This year, Northern Star is providing open house kits that include sample materials & a craft project. Parents can register their kids online right there while Pack representatives answer questions.
LOCAL NEWSPAPER • Packs should work with local newspapers to get pictures, stories and recruitment information printed.
INFLATABLE ARCHERY RANGES • Northern Star Council has a number of inflatable, safe, foam-tipped archery ranges available for use at events. Talk to your District Executive about availability.
SCHOOL NEWSLETTERS • Send a press release to your local school to be included in the school’s newsletter. Highlight local youth and recognize adult leaders.
UNIFORM DAY • Cub Scouts should be encouraged to wear their uniform or Pack t-shirt to school on a chosen day early in the school year, and on Pack meeting days
- Invite everyone to your next Pack meeting
- Have a booth where other youth can try their hand at Cub Scout activities. Simple giveaways like bookmarks are available to help promote your Pack.
SOCIAL MEDIA • Have all members of your Pack utilize social networks such as Facebook and Nextdoor to provide messages and information that will resonate with parents. Templates and resources are available
at facebook.com/NorthernStarBSA/
SEPTEMBER RECRUITMENT EVENT • Each Pack should host a simple fall activity that new families can attend. Packs can leverage their new fishing poles for an easy fishing afternoon at a local pond or meet up for a bike ride. Share your event plans and details with your District by the end of June.