Schedule your Order of the Arrow Elections today! Elections must be Completed by April 13th!
Scouts BSA Troops and Venture Crews — Please make sure to check out the upcoming actions and events for the Order of the Arrow. Make sure the Youth in your unit know about the upcoming opportunities
- Schedule your unit elections – email Chapter Chief & Chapter Adviser if you cannot find your registration email. They need to be completed by 13-Apr-2021. Revised camping guidelines here (read all the way to bottom!): OA Temporary Camping Requirement Changes | Order of the Arrow, Boy Scouts of America (
- Attend a Brotherhood Conversion event and seal your membership: Northern Star Scouting – OA: JMQ Virtual Constellation Brotherhood Induction (
- Visit the new Lodge website for more info: Totanhan Nakaha Lodge – Order of the Arrow – Scouting’s National Honor Society (
Jake Andrew Schramm (Youth)
M Chapter, Totanhan Nakaha Lodge
Stuart Smith (Adult)
M Chapter, Totanhan Nakaha Lodge
[email protected]