Troops and Crews – Volunteer at the Far-o-ween at Base Camp

Troops, Crews and Scouting volunteers! We need your help to put on a safe, fun Halloween event for Scouts and community members. We are looking for units to set up candy stations around the Base Camp property for safe trick-or-treating. We’d also love it (but not a requirement) if each unit came up with the ‘Scoutiest’ way to safely have candy travel 6 ft or more (following the Guide to Safe Scouting obviously). In return for helping us on Halloween, we will give your unit 50% off an future event or program at Base Camp (and you can wait until we return to full capacity if you want). Here are some of the guidelines for volunteering:

  • We will have some basic COVID safely guidelines that all members of your unit must follow while on the property (you will receive them prior to the event).
  • Your unit can have up to 6 volunteers (youth or adult) at each candy station you sign up for.
  • Your unit will need to provide 500 pieces of store bough, individually wrapped candy for each candy station you sign up for.
  • Wearing costumes is highly encouraged, but a Scout uniform is also acceptable.
  • Event will be rain or shine (plan B is inside the TeamBuilding Center with face coverings)


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