IMPORTANT UPDATE: Fall Camporee Rescheduled to October 11-13, 2019

Camporee Host Unit Members, District Committee Members, Camporee Volunteers, and Troops in the Lake Minnetonka District

Unfortunately, when a planned camporee site became unavailable, the District Activities team was not able to find an available site to host our Camporee on the originally planned date.

Based on the feedback we received from volunteers at the District Committee and our host units, we have tried to identify the best date with an available site that avoids the conflicts raised by this team such as the Lake Minnetonka OA Chapter Conclave, MEA weekend, and various football homecomings. While we know rescheduling is not ideal, we’ve tried to make the best situation possible for the youth in our district.

Please join us at the Fall Camporee:

Reach for the Moon

Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Moon Landing

 October 11-13, 2019 at the Sibley County Fairgrounds, 801 W Chandler St, Arlington, MN 55307.

Neil Armstrong was an astronaut and aeronautical engineer who was the first person to walk on the Moon. He was also a naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor. But first, he was a Scout.

Neil Armstrong didn’t stop at the 21 merit badges required for Eagle – he finished with 26—including the Scholarship, Aviation, Pathfinding, and Pioneering Merit Badges. Unfortunately for Neil though, the Space Exploration merit badge wasn’t created until 1965—the year he turned 35.

Join us for a great camporee with a focus on exploring aerospace and outer space! There will be competitions, merit badges and more! Plus, we’ll have a desert cook-off featuring astronaut’s favorite flavoring… TANG!!  More details will be coming soon.

Thank you for your efforts to date and your commitment to putting on a great event for the youth in our district!


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