New Cub Scout Preview Adventure!


Welcome to the fun and exciting Yo-Yo Preview Adventure sponsored by Duncan Toys.  This preview adventure gives Wolf, Bear, and Webelos Scouts the opportunity to learn the concepts that make a yo-yo work and the basic physics of a pendulum. Duncan has provide great  instructional videos to help you present this adventure to your Wolf, Bear, Webelos, or Arrow of Light den. It will give Scouts the skills needed to get started with basic yo-yo tricks. The popularity of this adventure will determine if it will become a new adventure in the one or more of the Cub Scout Handbooks.

Cub Scout Preview Adventures are new elective adventures for Cub Scouts.  During the preview period these adventures will be under evaluation and possible revision. It will be determined how much interest there is, based on several factors. Successful previews will be considered to be included in the next edition of the Cub Scout handbooks


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