January Roundtable – WHAT TO EXPECT – Jan 4, 2018 – 7:00PM

(previous roundtables)

What to expect at this month’s Roundtable Meeting

The monthly District Roundtable meeting provides an information and training forum for adults involved as leaders in the Scouting program. Parents and children are welcome to attend. These meetings allow attendees from all parts of the Scouting program to:

◾ StayInformedDoubleLGDiscuss topics of interest, both formally and informally

◾ Learn new skills and program topics for your unit

◾ Learn about upcoming District and Council events

◾ Meet and exchange ideas with other leaders from the District

Roundtable is open to all adults involved with the Scouting program. Registered leaders are especially encouraged to attend.

LOCATION: Wayzata Community Church, 125 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata, MN, 55391 map


Roundtable Early Check-in

Rather than completing the sign-in form when you arrive at roundtable, save the time and instead check-in now online.

Each Scout unit should send at least one representative to each roundtable meeting.



  1. Pick up your Family Friends of Scouting Packet
  2. Roundtable handouts are posted after each roundtable meeting. Roundtable handouts

Joint – Big Rock Topic

Our January Big Rock topic will be on Wood Badge.  There will be a presentation by Matt Bruch about all things Wood Badge and Darren Meyers, the Course Director for Wood Badge Course 18-1, will be on hand to answer all your questions about Wood Badge and the upcoming Sessions. We will discuss who should attend Wood Badge, what training you need to complete for Wood Badge, what to expect  and much more.

Boy Scout Breakout Program 

Winter camping will be the topic of our Boy Scout Break-out and no, we won’t be talking about just getting a lodge up at Stearns.  Come with questions about where to go, what to wear, and what to bring as we will have presenters with years of experience braving the cold winters with Scouts.  This will be a great introduction and preparation for the upcoming Winter Camporee 2018.

Cub Scout Breakout Program – Gearing Up For Camp AND How to Rock your Blue & Gold Banquet 

The January Cub Scout breakout session will include ALL aspects of camping for 2018. This will include all BSA Camps such as Polar Cubs, Summer Camp, AOL, Webelos Outpost, Spooky- Ree, Webelos Woods, District Camporeees, as well as putting together your own family campout. We will discuss what training Cub leaders need to host their own campout, BALOO Training, OWLS , and Leave No Trace. We will also have a separate session on planning your pack’s Blue and
Gold Banquet.

If you would like assistance with your Cub Scouts Pinewood Derby Cars, there will be a workshop from 10-12AM on January 13, 2018 at the Minnetonka Community Center, for your Cub Scouts to work with our handy-dandy instructors to get those designs set, wheels lubricated, and weights in the right place.

Cub Scouters and Parents:

We are trying something new, a newsletter just for the Cub Scout roundtable. The newsletter provides and overview of the upcoming program,  including  events and information just for adult leaders and parents.

Cub Scout Roundtable Newsletter

Let us know what you think of the new Cub Scout Roundtable Newsletter by using using the link below.

Leave Your Comment

I look forward to seeing you at roundable.

Thank you.

Vicki Jurek
Cub Scout Roundtable Commissioner


Joint – Roundtable Closing and Vespers


OA Chapter Meeting

The Order of the Arrow is a “Brotherhood of Scout Honor Campers”, often referred to as the Brotherhood of Cheerful Service. We are a group of people who have been elected by our peers as being capable of upholding the honor through our continued actions of cheerful service to others. It is a youth-run organization, meaning that all important decisions are made by the youth (age 20 or less) under advisement of the adult Advisors.

Meetings of the Lake Minnetonka Chapter of the Totanhan Nakaha Lodge, Order of the Arrow, are held in conjunction with the district roundtables on the first Thursday of each month.

7:00 – 8:30 – OA Chapter Meeting During Roundtable

Chapter officers should attend, and all troops should send their OA Troop Representative (a youth leadership position) or another OA member to represent their unit, but all OA members are invited to attend these meetings. We are planning for a big year and need lots of help.


6:00 – 6:45 – Prior to Roundtable – Pinewood Derby Build Clinic  **Cancelled**

*** The location and date has changed! ***

Join us on Saturday, Jan 13, 2018 at the Minnetonka Community Center in the Oak Knoll Room from 10 to 11:50AM. Bring your son or daughter, stay as short or as long as your like.

Minnetonka Community Center, 14600 Minnetonka Blvd, Minnetonka, MN 55345

Robert Henry
Pinewood Derby Coordinator


OK, we all know that those pinewood derby cars shaped like iPhones and candy bars are really cool.  But, are they really cool and really fast? Be honest . . . you want that checkered flag. We can show you how to take home the goods; Snickers bar or not.

Join us January 4, 2018 at 6 PM (that’s before roundtable!) for our Pinewood Derby Build Clinic. Our handy-dandy instructors will provide you with all their secrets from design and sanding to weights and lubrication.  And, don’t forget the tools. Maybe even power tools! Because there ain’t a problem a little horsepower can’t fix.

After your brain is nearly full, you can “top it off” with a little Scouting know-how at roundtable. Survey results are in: roundtable is really fun!

Join us, won’t you?


Wayzata Community Church, 125 Wayzata Blvd E, Wayzata, MN  55391

Pinewood Derby Rules 2018 Build Clinic Flyer 2018 District Pinewood Derby Finals, “Need for Speed” Offficial Patch Design Contest A Den 9 Special Report on Their Pinewood Derby

6:00 – 6:45 – Prior to Roundtable – Commissioners Meeting

Commissioners Meeting (for the Commissioners AND District members)

Commissioners will talk about the experience at the November 18 College of Commissioner Service, and a new plan to upgrade the District Commissioners Corp will be outlined and discussed.

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