Lake Minnetonka District's - Scout Night With the Twins - Spring Recruiting Event - Troop and Pack 283 - Wayzata - Apr. 13, 2012 - Photos

Event Description

Over 650 Scouts, Scouters, their families and friends turned out for the district's spring recruiting event to watch the game and the Scouts from Troop 283 and Cub Scout Pack 283 raise the flag for the Minnesota Twins! After the flag raising, many Twins fans, as well as concession stand workers, high-fived the Scouts and congratulated them as they made their way to their seats. Dispite the cold, rain, and later snow, it was a great night for a ballgame.

The scouts who particpated in this event:

  • Reid V
  • Ben F
  • Augie M
  • Thomas H
  • Steynar A

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