5 Questions With National Jamboree Director Matt Myers

Only one year – 52 short weeks – remain until Scouting’s premier event, the national jamboree, descends upon the Summit Bechtel Family National Scout Reserve. With that in mind, we wanted you to get to know the newest face on the jamboree team. As part of Scouting Wire’s 5 Questions series, we interviewed new National Jamboree Director Matt Myers and discovered five things that will show why he’s the perfect person for this important job.

5Q Matt Myers




























What’s most exciting about your role as the BSA’s National Jamboree Director?

Matt: I get to work with top volunteer leadership around the country to deliver the premier Scouting experience for youth. It doesn’t get any better than that.

What is your Scouting background? What drew you to the BSA?

Matt: The Boy Scouts of America built me. As an Eagle Scout from Coos Bay, Oregon, I was in the Order of the Arrow (pronounced differently in different parts of the country), on summer camp staff, and attended many youth leadership sessions. The chance to give back to the program that made me a better husband, father, soldier, and person is what drew me to the BSA.

What’s your favorite Scouting memory?

Matt: The camaraderie of lifelong friends that I have made from 40 years of Scouting, from Oregon to Michigan, to Texas, California, and Wyoming. I think about the fact that I would not have met these great people and they would not be in my life if not for Scouting.

How is the jamboree experience significant to the Scouting experience? Why should Scouts and Scouters go?

Matt: This experience only comes every four years. I missed my chance as a kid, so I want to make sure that others don’t miss out on the pinnacle Scouting experience. Imagine meeting new friends from around the country who are into the same cool stuff you are? From mountain biking and patch trading to OA, and oh yeah … being a Scout! You gotta go!

And, most important, what’s your go-to campout food?

Matt: I call it “sand.” You see, when I was a Scout, life was VERY difficult. So we would make a kind of home-made trail mix for long hikes and called it “sand.” Sometimes, if we had water, we would mix it with the “sand” and make what we called “cement.” Yes, we were happy, cement-drinking Scouts and we never complained about anything …

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