SECTION C-1a CONCLAVE 2020 — Viral Invasion!
“Arrowmen from across seven lodges will unite to storm Conclave 51. Through teamwork, we will overcome the Viral Invasion facing Scouting.”
The event begins THIS MONDAY, and runs through the week in multiple online events taking place over the evenings. See
Registration is free, but must be placed in advance using this button below to gain access to the webinars. Learn about spreading the OA-ffliction, surviving the pandemic, curing your OA-ilment, earn merit badges like Art, Wilderness Survival, and Medicine. Be a part of the Kahoot (and cheer on Totanhan Nakaha’s Chief on Friday)! Play on the minecraft server as well!
Hear from Patrick Mclnerny, the Central Region Chief, and Zach Schonfeld, our National Chief, plus a mystery guest speaker!
You can also pay $5 for a event patch during registration.
A schedule of all Section Conclave events can be found at
For more information, follow Section C-1a on Facebook (