10 Things You Can Do NOW to Fill Your Jamboree Contingent

A national jamboree is a once-in-a lifetime experience for most Scouts. Don’t miss the opportunity let your Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers be part of the best jamboree ever! It’s not too late to sign up! Here are 10 things you can do support the national jamboree in your council TODAY:

  1. Find everything you need to spread the word – ads, videos, banners, fliers, power point presentations, and more – at

  2. Host roundtable presentations on the national jamboree. Distribute fliers, postcards, and show one of the great jamboree promotional videos. For even more impact, invite a youth or leader to talk and show pictures from their own jamboree adventure!

  3. Conduct special Scoutmaster meetings at roundtable sessions. Use leaders who have attended the national jamboree to talk about the amazing experience to help your recruiting efforts.

  4. Place jamboree banners on your council website and newsletters.

  5. Send an email to all scoutmasters and troop committee chairs on jamboree opportunities (both for youth and staff). Including links to articles or jamboree videos are great ways to highlight the national jamboree experience.

  6. Hold jamboree presentations or displays at camporees and at other council and district events

  7. Use jamboree testimonials from youth and leaders (on video or in articles) in council newsletters or social media.

  8. Plan presentations at OA events on jamboree opportunities (for both youth and staff). Do you have an Arrowman who attended or staffed a jamboree? Invite them to talk to their lodge or fellow Scouts!

  9. Include opportunities for jamboree promotion and volunteering as part of Wood Badge tickets.

  10. Deputize your commissioner corps to promote and support the jamboree.

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10 Things You Can Do NOW to Fill Your Jamboree Contingent

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