Tomahawk Scout Reservation – New in 2018!
At Tomahawk, we are always improving our programs to give you the best camping experience possible! Here’s what we’ve added in 2018 to make your summer better!
- Schedule Change
- Merit Badges start Sunday Morning
- Swim Tests on Saturday
- Friday morning is for Unit Activities
- Voyageur Canoes for each Boy Scout Sub Camp!
The Sparks Program (Welding Merit Badge)
- Cowboy Action Shooting at Logging Camp (Evening Program)
- STEM NOVA Expansion (Adding Electronics, Digital Technology, and Programming) Offering all 4 NOVA awards.
- Log Cabin Building at Logging Camp, your Unit can help us build a new cabin at Logging Camp
- 20 New Tents!
- Breakfast Bar and more extensive salad bars to add meal variety
- Staff led Unit Reflections at the end of the week.
- Unit Mentor for new Units
- Composting
- Hammock Heavens, new areas to hang up hammocks around camp!
- 13. Cooking Competitions
Important Dates:
Tomahawk Scout Reservation | 651-254-9178 |